Safety first
Group classes with Chantal:
Our wish is that everyone in our community stay safe and healthy. We are therefore continuing to offer Live Stream classes via Zoom until further notice. For our group classes schedule, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Individual coaching sessions with Chantal:
Private one-on-one sessions are held in person or virtually. For in person session, based on government's recommendations, a protocol has been put in place to ensure everyone's safety.
This protocol is subject to be changed and to be updated, based on government restrictions and recommendations.
Please connect with Chantal if you have any question or if you are interested in booking an individual session. [email protected]
Our wish is that everyone in our community stay safe and healthy. We are therefore continuing to offer Live Stream classes via Zoom until further notice. For our group classes schedule, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Individual coaching sessions with Chantal:
Private one-on-one sessions are held in person or virtually. For in person session, based on government's recommendations, a protocol has been put in place to ensure everyone's safety.
- We have acquired a medical grade air purifier, that will keep the air clean and safe for all. The air in the room is purified every 12 minutes.
- Your instructor will be wearing a mask for the duration of the session. Mask is optional for clients.
- A safe distance of 2 meters minimum will be respected.
- The entire experience of attending a private session is contactless. For example, your instructor will open and close the door for you upon your arrival and departure.
- Clients are encouraged to bring their own yoga mats.
- Clients are encouraged to wash their hands and/or use a hand sanitizer prior to the session and after.
- Any props used during the session are thoroughly washed and sanitized before and after each use.
- If you have travelled in the past 14 days or feel any of the following symptoms (fever, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath), please notify us immediately and we will reschedule your appointment to a later date. [email protected]
This protocol is subject to be changed and to be updated, based on government restrictions and recommendations.
Please connect with Chantal if you have any question or if you are interested in booking an individual session. [email protected]