Balancing seasonal shifts
Nourish yourself for the season
1) Eat warm and home cooked meals (skip the salads and raw vegetables) 2) Opt for sweet, sour and salty tastes 3) If cooking is not your forte or you lack the time, consider ordering prepared home cooked meals. They are a better option than fast foods or eating out. When time is scarce, I occasionally order from Today's Menu. Although I have never used her services, I have heard good things about Laura Buckley, who is a personal chef. Structure your days for the season 1) Have a routine, especially during meal times. If your schedule is erratic, chances are you will eventually feel erratic and ungrounded. 2) Adopt grounding morning rituals and maintain them throughout the season. Rise early, so you don't have to rush to work. Gentle stretches, meditation, reading, enjoying a cup of tea or coffee, are all grounding rituals you can consider. My favorite ritual? My husband prepares me a miniature cup of coffee each morning, sprinkled with cinnamon and raw cacao powder. Love it! 3) Do less. As autumn leads us into winter, a time where historically we should be doing less, allow yourself some space into your schedule to simply be (or catch up!) Move and breathe for the season 1) Take a short walk everyday. Breathe in the fresh air, observe the change in colours, textures and smells. 2) Consider doing gentle yoga, tai chi or Qigong (all very grounding activities) Restorative poses such as supported forward folds or Supta baddha konasana or my favorites. 3) Take time throughout your day to breathe. Lying down, or comfortably seated, simply observe your breath enter and exit your body. If anxiety or stress are high, consider making your exhalation longer than your inhalation. Finally, embrace this natural time of regeneration by staying positive, and marvelling at the seasonal shifts which will eventually bring us back to summer! Comments are closed.
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